Eastrington Primary keeps up Ofsted’s high standards

December 20, 2021

Education watchdog, Ofsted, has rated Eastrington Primary School as ‘good’ following an inspection in October.

The junior school teaches children aged from three to 11 years and had 104 pupils on roll at the time of inspection (October 14). During the visit, inspectors assessed what the school were doing well, how they could improve in certain areas and its arrangements for safeguarding. According to inspectors, pupils feel safe and happy in the village school and staff know each pupil and their families very well. The school was recently awarded with a national anti-bullying award and the report highlighted how some year six pupils had been appointed as anti-bullying ambassadors. The Ofsted report stated that leaders have carefully designed an ambitious curriculum and often take pupils on visits to bring the curriculum to life.

The school’s headteacher has been awarded advanced skills teacher status, and during French lessons, pupils benefit from her expert knowledge of the language. Inspectors stated that pupils with special educational needs/or disabilities (SEND) were given the extra help they need by teaching assistants. Teachers begin teaching phonics as soon as the children start school and most children in the reception year perform really well. However, leaders have identified that some of the reading books in Year One do not match pupils’ phonics knowledge. Leaders know that this is holding some less-able pupils back but have plans to address it. The report states that, as a result of not having well matched phonics books, some pupils cannot read them fluently meaning their reading comprehension suffers. Inspectors also assessed safeguarding in the school and agreed that it was effective. The report stated: “Leaders understand how to identify, help and among safeguarding concerns.” All the necessary recruitment checks are made when hiring staff and all staff have had recent safeguarding training.

Headteacher of the school, Heidi Gallagher, commented: “The inspectors were extremely positive about all aspects of our school saying that it ‘was a real pleasure to be in your school and such a joy to work with the school leaders who were so professional and upbeat and took everything in their stride. She added: “We are very pleased with the outcome of our inspection and the extremely positive comments we received during the day.” To view the full report, visit: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50173283.

The Ofsted report stated ‘Eastrington Primary School continues to be a good school’. (16-12-35 SU)

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